Healthpointe Releases New Website for its Functional Restoration Program
Healthpointe is glad to announce the release of its newest website endorsing its Functional Restoration Program, for those suffering from chronic pain.
Healthpointe Medical Group is pleased to announce the release of its new website,, dedicated to providing patients with key information and research in regards to integrated chronic pain treatment at Healthpointe.
Chronic pain affects over 100 million Americans and takes an enormous negative toll on patients, families, employers, and the healthcare system. The Functional Restoration Program (FRP) at Healthpointe is a program focused on helping patients with chronic pain. The Functional Restoration Program uses an integrated, bio-psycho-social approach to helping patients improve their overall quality of life. At Healthpointe, a medical doctor, physiotherapist, and psychologist work together as a treatment team to help patients achieve their treatment goals.
The goals of the Functional Restoration Program are to help patients increase activities of daily living, improve physical functioning, facilitate return to work, decrease emotional suffering, decrease pain, and decrease pain medication.

Those suffering from chronic pain are often prescribed opioids—a drug effective in relieving pain. However, opioids can be dangerous when used for lengthy periods of time, and they can lead to overt negative effects such as opioid addiction, overdose, and death. The Functional Restoration Program is designed to steadily wean patients off of opioid medications, while improving chronic pain coping skills.
The Functional Restoration Program is perfect for injured workers and all other patients suffering from chronic pain. The program is led by Levon Margolin Ph.D. and Roman Shulze M.D. These doctors at Healthpointe work closely with every patient, modifying their personal treatment plan based on the type of injury, medication, and overall desired outcome—ensuring the best results.
“I’m excited to be expanding upon our clinic’s pain management program,” says Healthpointe’s Dr. Ismael Silva. “The Functional Restoration Program will provide a huge leap forward in patient recovery. I trust that under Dr. Margolin and his team’s caring hands, the lives of many patients will be greatly improved.”
For more information about Healthpointe’s services, please call 888-956-2663 or simply schedule an appointment by visiting their website at