Functional Restoration Program for Injured Workers
If you’re an injured worker and you were referred to the functional restoration program, you may have some questions. You might ask, “What is the ‘Functional Restoration Program’ and how can it help me?”, or “What should I expect?”
Fortunately, this blog will answer some of injured workers’ most frequently asked questions regarding the Functional Restoration Program (FRP).
What is the Functional Restoration Program?
The Functional Restoration Program is a successful evidence-based wellness option designed to assist patients with the restoration of their level of functioning. This wellness option utilizes various therapeutic exercises, work conditioning, educational resources, and psychotherapy.
The FRP’s expert team will work in conjunction with the patient’s needs and incorporate clinically proven strategies to better support patients with their recovery and enhance their quality of life.
What does the FRP consist of?
The Functional Restoration program consists of various therapeutic approaches for the patient. This would include stress management strategies, nutrition and diet education, cognitive behavior therapy, physiotherapy, and medical evaluations.
Depending on the patient, this program will combine exercises and psychotherapy with learning material that is best suited for injured workers with chronic pain.

Who would benefit best from the FRP?
The FRP treatment plan is perfect for injured workers and those suffering from chronic pain. It can be modified based on patient’s type of injury, medication, and overall desired outcome.
Why is the Functional Restoration Program advantageous for injured workers?
This program is conducted by a psychologist, physiotherapist, and a medical doctor. The treatment team works with the patient to develop stress relieving exercises and methods that will assist in their management of pain. The goals of the program are to improve quality of life, increase physical functioning, improve activities of daily living, decrease pain medication, decrease emotional suffering, decrease pain, and return to work.
The Functional Restoration program will provide patients with the highest level of treatment to facilitate achievement of their treatment goals.
For more questions in regards to the Functional Restoration Program or to schedule an appointment, please call us at (888) 724-8153.